Wasting your time as soon as you enter the world of Supertron Random.The Answers To Your Questions are Also Answered Here This is about anything imaginable.The email supertronblog@hotmail.com This blog is impossible to spam. The five members are Gary aka Mr.Supertron, Monk Coppola, Frankster of the Freaks, Castro Stevis and Pickle. Also the home of The Adventures of Hugo!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Idiots Have Taken Over( Almost)

Okay people that copy and paste stuff for a university assignment and expect to not get caught should have to be chained to a post and have a line of 600 people kick them in the nuts.
This guy that wants to be a doctor named Ethan is an idiot. He thinks he is better than everybody because he is smarter than most academically. Thats one thing. He confuses the smell of sweat with rotten food. Now he wants to be a doctor. He isn't gonna operate on me because he might give me a sex change instead of a liver transplant. Sorry all he well do is kill his patients. He should not be allowed to make his own decisions. People that are over 13 should know the difference.
Another thing that is extremely uber retarded is guys who cheat on their girlfriends. The girl stays with him. That is something the both of them deserve to be punched in the face for. The guy should be casterated ( and made to preserve his nuts in a jar) and the girl should be put in an insane asylum for a very long time or at least until she clues in. That is so stupid. people that wouldn't cheat on you are just thrown to the side and this be pumped douche bag is getting laid. Just think of what their kids well grow up like. They well have genetic deformities beyond repair but no one well notice. Well hope they turn out ugly. That may actually do the world a favor.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

DragonForce - Young Guitar DVD Clips

This is a video from a Japanese guitar mag with Herman and Sam from Dragonforce. I found the link on the Ultimate Guitar forums.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Display Picture Reformationists

Yes, I am aware that I made a completely blank post. That counts as shortest blog post ever on this blog. Piss off display picture whores. We don't need you. Go to Wyoming. Please.

- His name is Night Moves.
- Listen to Pseudo-new wave rockabilly parlour music.
- It's soothing.
- Only people with penises for necks like Peter Criss.
- (pooperStink > 50) ? death() : severeComa(); //Ternary Operator
- I like Ike.
- But not Mike.
- Unless it's Mike Patton, that guy's the shit.
- Chesters gonna get u.
- I run off of Jolt, Rush and thoughts of
Halle Berry.
- Fuck the Alan Parsons Project.
- It's not Miller time, any time.
Keith's or death.
- Gojo Italica
- Take a shit, less time you have to fuck something important up.
- Support Tits for Tots.
- Soccer moms are NOT MILFS.
- Will and well are two different words, BRIAN...
- Fucking stooshcock.
- J.R.E.E.E.T.A.D.V.
- If you know what that stands for, I'd really like to know.
- Fuck the Parti Québécois, fuck André Boisclair and fuck 19 year old Kraft Dinner.
- Mr. Noodles (aka crackhead soup, Purina student chow) are where it's at.
- Well hot fucking damn man, but don't fuck this one up. PLEASE.
- Men are always the stupid ones on commercials.
- Replace the man with a woman in ONE and feminists would be pissed.
- Fuck feminism. And masculinism is for whining fucks too. I'm gender-neutral.
- I'm done. Fuck Calculus.

Eat off the Devil's crack.


- Gay Marriage Killed The Dinosaurs
- You go zoober

Sunday, February 25, 2007

This Week Sucks

Yes already its being a pain. 10 pages. So what next. Yeah after this week things well be better for a bit. But 4 months = uber amazing awsome.
Who is this anonymous commenter who seems in love with me?

Friday, February 23, 2007

Story of the Year-Anthem Of Our Dying Day

I don't watch this much but the song is really good.

Johann Pachelbel- Canon ( Arranged BY Jerry C

This I am not sure of its artist but I love the solo. Oh its friggin Amazing.

Quotes of the Lame Kind

My question for everyone is what is so great about having inspirational quotes on messenger names. They look stupid and at times emo. Sure I guess they are true and you want to be all philosohical but its stupid. People use them to make people think they are in love or to make people think their lives are all so stressful. Well maybe they are stressful but no one honestly gives a load of shit.
Another thing I hate is how on Dr. Phil that everyone is rich but they have more problems than a hobo addicted to cocaine. Everybody cries. Well if I was on that show I wouldn't cry because I wouldn't want to look like a tool in front of 80 million fat viewers who think people like me are not healthy. Well sorry my knees actually work and I probably won't have a heart attack tommorow. but after eating all deep fried food the last meal I had I don't know ( I must say I loved that meal).
Well I think its looking good for me. I hope it works.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I thought i might as well post another disturbed video. This is probably one of my favourite disturbed songs.

Disturbed - Liberate

A cool disturbed song from a couple of cd's ago.

Sally and Ugene

Once upon a time there was a girl named Sally and a man named Ugene. They were both fat. She was growing a mustache. They went to KFC for their first date and they went to camp out by a bakery dumpster for their honeymoon. All Ugene did was sleep and use the computer and Sally's favorite hobby was watching TLC daytime programing.One day Ugene said he wanted to lose weight. sally got mad and said " Ugly people must stick together. You are not allowed to look better than me"Ugene got mad and said " you are a stupid bitch" Sally wanted to kick him in the nuts but her leg weighed too much too lift more than an inch. Most of the time she was in an electric wheel chair because she dreamed of them being the worlds fattest couple. Over the period of a year Ugene lost weight. Sally got really mad. She told him of the dream she had and he said you wanna have a heart attack. She yell at him and says we could have had fame and fortune. Ugenes yelled I want a life thats not confined to a wheel chair. She was enraged and he ran away and she chased him in the wheel chair. He was slow as can be and she was even slower because her weight slowed the chair down. He got ahead and hid at the exercise center. She saw him go in but as soon as her chair got to the door the axil on the chair broke due to her whale like build. She started to stand up and the sound of her ass coming off the chair was a large squel. She stood on the road and a pick- up truck hit her and she didn't fall. The truck was so damaged that it was un repairable. She stood there and yelled" See what you've done. You made me get a rip in my poncho. A bird than flew into her fat and never came out and was stuck.That made him realize that exercise is no wheres near as good for you as fast food. Lets go to McdonaldsOkay I should be thrown in prison for that pointless crap.

Guru Thalmus

Guess what! He is an Elmsdalien. Guru Thalmus is from a town of overprotective soccer moms and pathetic looking fathers.
One thing I have noticed over the last while is that a lot of chicks fathers look like weird golf obsessed, mold crazed odd balls who work in cubicles. I really find it funny because if the girl starts going out with somebody that is greasy ( which does happen, weird people of all sorts have a chance) the father well hate the guy for the crustache alone. When the guy goes on excessivly for hours about manga, youtube, no plays, Japanime, his piece of trash Civic ( if he is a Wigger), kleenex, his love for Dashboard Confessional and other Emo filth, society, himself, how hot he thinks his girlfriend is ( oh papa well love that), cheese, chasing cheese, eating cheese, puking, snot, fetishes, video games, his moms clothes, what he wants to do with his girlfriend and how he wants to have kids at an early age well sure make papa love this freak of nature.
Like the greasy guy who owns the corner store, you too may amount to something. But you either have to be really good or really greasy. Some people love grease. It may have something to do with fast food joints or U.V rays or book polution ( Its the real cause of global climate change). But the real reason has to do with medical waste being to close to the media creation centers. All of those teen, racy sex mags ( like cosmo not porno you sick R- Tard) writers get these deadly fumes inside there heads and write things that make no sense. This distorts what many girls think.
So the causes are Book pollution and Medical waste for socities problems.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Educated Idiots

First of all I hate going to the dentist. I won't lie, my teeth are just fine but I hate the fact that someone has a sharp metal pointy object around my gums. Yeah tell me to relax my mouth one more time. That pointy metal spear isn't gonna help you get what you want. And a trip to the dentist is also like a robbery. They extort every bit they can out of you. So brush your teeth kids. The robbery is less harsh that way.
Secondly I must comment on the fact that people listen to the worst awful music ever. I half mean your Nickelback's and James Blunt's but what I really am emphasizing on is techno remixs. It works for rap songs not Pink Floyd. This guy I know was playing techno remixs of Queen and Pink Floyd and I was like PISS. That stuff sucks balls. No worse. That stuff blows and sucks hairy rat nuts. Anyone who listens to that crap a lot has to be a fag because what those songs are doing is destroying classics. Sorry but techno and AC/DC just doesn't work.
As much as I don't really like Pink Floyd I would rather nobody raping those songs with turntables and digital effects.
Another point I well bring up is that this advertisment in front of me looks like it was designed by creepy child molesting homosexuals. Anyone who makes these sick things should be put in front of a firing squad. I hate that crap.
Another point I well bring up is why would a dentist have a Freak Lunchbox put in the same building? I know why. Its a conspiricy that well make people have bad teeth so they get robbed by the dentist more. A portion of the funds go into the purchase of sugar. Mind you that small portion is probably like 5 Million bucks to make the candy more addicting. Go Freak Lunchbox.
Lets fall down the stairs togther.

Move to Iowa, please.

I am enthusiastic...about all beer.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Disturbed - Remember

Its really cool. Just watch it now.

Tech Support

Okay right now I am very relieved that I just fixed the tremolo on my new S guitar. Its not hard at all and it works again. Its as easy a tricking pooper to step in a trap by telling him there is a block Crisco there for him.
And yes Pickle and Castro Stevis has to be there.
But the main thing now is that I got my trem fixed by myself.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I Got A New Guitar

Yes it is like the one in the photo. Its an Ibanez s470DXQM with a zero resistance locking tremolo.
Surprisingly enough I bought it used at a music store. It came to $800 taxes in. That sounds bad but it came with an Ibanez Prestige case at no extra charge. The case is formed to fit an S. There is absolutly nothing wrong with the guitar what so ever. Only a few scratchs in the tremolo arm and I can replace that easily and I don't even have too.
The guitar was sounding so awsome on Distortion and on Clean. Its incredible.
I recommend everyone to try this guitar. Its super light and an awsome three piece wizard neck.
The Ibanez S is the one and it owns the RG series. Spend the extra dollars on the S series. You'll be impressed.
But I must say that Godin guitars are over rated. Almost everyone I played sounds like an elephant that has been constipated for eight days. Also Pickle would also be able to tell you how crappy the strings are by Godin. They sound dry and boring. Every person in those damn stores say that they are amazing but I disagree. Just because they are made in Canada doesn't make them good. I would say buy a PRS because they actually sound good. But I say Ibanez is now my main guitar. Also try a Peavey, they are underrated way too much.
Photo from www.ibanez.com

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Completly Destroyed

I really like destroying stuff. Televisions, Dvd players, computer parts. Its all good.
You gotta swing them like a feral house cat in heat trying to give you rabies. Yeah thats right. Give it to them.
Burning things such as tennis balls and playing hockey with it burning is very fun too. You can also burn Purel. Its mainly alcohol which is uber flamable. Watch Team Sanchez.
Man I wanna have a guitar duel with someone some bad.

Friday, February 16, 2007

It looked like a Brown Dog Bone

Yeah I am sure all the sick freaks I know well understand. It looked a little weird.
Well some things are starting to go down hill. One of them is You Tube. Now there well be commercials in front of some videos. On top of that they are removing a lot of videos due to copyright right infringment. So that means no music videos after a bit. Which sucks. I think that is stupid because a music video is a promotional thing. Why would I pay to watch one. And wasnt it at one time You Tube wanted every music video ever made on its site? Also I have heard that they are gonna have this thing that well block uploads that are copyrighted. So that sucks for us who use youtube for the viewing of copyrighted material.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Uber WOW.

Okay this involve three people who are really not connected in any way two one of them. Two are good and one is bad.
Lets start off with the bad. She is a bitch to put it mildly. She gives what was her friends dirty looks and is mean to the nicest people. She's going to have a hole in her throat soon don't worry.

Now there is the two good ones. They are amazing. They like old school videos games. They are super hot. I hope the pool idea works for me and Monk.

HillBilly Pornstars

You know I wonder why the board game corporations didn't make a game called Horny Horny Hippos. You know how funny that would be. It would teach kids about sexual intercourse.
Porno with hill Billys would also be funny. Kinda like that video on Ebaums world called Hick Wedding. Thats just gross I must admit. But her teeth are so gross its funny. British people must hate the dentist. Their teeth are always gross.
Heres some random thrown together lyrics for a Song called HillBilly Pornstars.

Open the barn, open the gate. Theres a hog in heat inside.
Its assholes open, I'm a hoping I can get my dick inside.
Get my pants down, on the ground, can't let this time pass.
I'm inside, this pig I ride only has an ass.

You now what that is messed up. I am now really ashamed. I had to delete most of it because it was way to gross and it wasn't funny. Kind of like Bob Saget. OR Americas Funniest Home Videos.
I gotta get a good rant soon.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Fuck Valentine's Day

It's a waste of God-damn money. Our society is so fucking shallow that love has to be reinforced by one holiday revolved around the purchase of material goods. Here's a fucking idea: if you treat the person you love with complete and unconditional love and respect every waking hour of the entire year, you don't need to give cheap gifts to them to try to make up for something that lacked all year. No flowers that wilt, no lumps of carbon that just so happen to shine, but are brothers to the blackest coal. Why not give us a day off so we can spend time with those we love? And here's a lovely idea, donate to a charity, to people who really need some love. Fuck the companies that gouge us, fuck the shallow-minded gold-digging by-products of an empty soulless society, fuck the marketing dickead scum that are pressing this dumbass holiday on other cultures such as the Japanese, and fuck the public schools that teach us to buy into this horseshit holiday. Grow the fuck up.


Oh, and by the way, I am aware that this mentality will reduce my chances of getting laid by 99%, no one has to tell me.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

David Lee Roth - Yankee Rose

The first is funny. Reminds me of what I think like. Steve Vai and Billy Sheehan is in this video

Smashing Pumpkins- Perfect

I remember this video from back in the day. Oh I hope I can get the pool thing to work. Please GOD

The Bermuda Triangle

I think that should be our name.
Anyways I am hoping that this time it works for both of us. I am surprised but I wann a see the Game Gear. I haven't seen one in years.
I'll do something good soon.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole.

Never buttfuck a blueberry. They don't like it, trust me.

That is all. I had something better but this piece of goddamn shit fucking ruined it so I got nothing.

Fuck you, fuck this blog, fuck Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Phoney Guitar

Thats a lame ass name. I just wanna tell people to hold a cordless up to a guitar pickup and play the conversation through pitch shifters and delays. Its so hilarious and I am such a retard. Pickle try it out. Its funny.

Okay sorry if I pissed off anyone on Facebook with that message . But seriously, I don't mean anything by doing that. Its just what I do.

4TH Grade Dropout (Retard)

Some people act so stupid you'd think they were elementary school dropouts. A lot of people haven't grasped the concept of looking both ways before crossing the street. Like JD says if they ain't in the cross walk, run em over. Well I would not suggest that but thats what a lot of people have coming to them.
So what would it be like to have a 4th grade education. Awsome because you'd probably be mental so everything would be funny. Things like the ceiling, cereal, sewing, books, funerals would be funny. Hey and at the funeral you could get away with laughing histarically at gay people. Or you could fart on the casket. So if you didn't get respect from the person or you just hated them you could give them the recognition they deserved.
One thing I hate is people that are for some reason thought out to be cool by a lot of their peers but the person is a complete big feeling asshole. They always have a girlfriend but the guys only interests are UFC and Xbox. So what they party. Thats no reason to think they are cool. A lot of girls hang around guys who look like fags. Thats a piss off itself. I see a lot of guys who guarenteed are boring as hell. and other guys who are just greasy.
Cell phones is something everyone has nowadays. I don't have one. I have noticed that the most boring people on earth have them. The anti socials always have them too. They won't talk to anyone else. But they for some reason think they need a cell phone. I hate when people well not leave there old crowd to meet some new people. Its a white thing I think. White people don't like change. Thats why people go out with partners who cheated on them. I hate it. Move on dammit.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Devin Townsend Band - Vampira

Its cool, thats all I really have to say. Check out the videos Pickle put on recently and the New HUGO STORY

The Adventures of Hugo 11 Pt 4

Well Tourettes Guy didn't see it coming because of his twitch when Hugo hit threw him into the Dentist office cell. Hugo freed Utu. They fought off the rest of the monkies. It was time to fly. Get back to where they were before.
Hugo said to Utu that he was going to urinate in the sky. Utu said to try and a pedestrian since they were flying over a city called Muggomee. Its all pedestrians in this city and Hugo soaked twenty people. It was raining yellow. Utu then said that The Dragon Ball Z guys are now drunks and they well not be with them any longer. They learned that they like booze better than saving the world. They gave up there super powers to eat Big Macs and drink Colt 45 for the rest of there lives. They also want to take longer episodes to show the drinking side of Goku. An Krillin is now Gay.
Hugo yelled that I always hated Pasta and libraries. Lets go eat some KFC.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Black Label Society In This River (live)

This is a live version of "In this river" which is a tribute to the late great Dimebag Darrel. The live version of this song is so much better than the recorded version which is 4 mins long.

Dragonforce Guitar Jam

Check out this video of this guy jamming along to "through the fire and flames". He is not playing the actual song, but the jam sounds cool. Check out he guitar the guy is playing on, it's an epiphone, proving that you don't need a gibson to get a good tone.

Fuck Facebook

Fuck facebook. Fuck it up the asshole with a big rubber dick. Fuck Brian and J.D. for using it. Fuck MySpace too. And fuck Brian for using my new word: Wasian. Facebook is for people who are trying to be cool but are really just doing something that fat ass nerds have been doing for decades, but now with pictures. Get off the computer and off your fucking cell phones and actually talk to each other once in awhile. You are no better than the 300 pound lompsa shit that have no purpose in life but to eat burritos and praise Microsoft. Yes, lompsa is now a word, because I said so and I'm smarter than you are. Remember that when you're 30, fatter than a hippo, and you're only sexual experience was with that girl you met on Facebook.

Your Lord and eternal master,

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Asian Dressup, Not Asian At All

Okay there is this girl that I met today. She looks like she wants to be an asian but is white. What do you call a person who does that. A Wasian. I am confused. I think however she may be European. Not American. However she is rather nice looking in my opinion which really matters.
You know one thing that I really hate is smoking. It is the biggest turn off on earth cause it smells and does bad shit to you. Smoking is not cool. Unfortunatly some people that I like smoke a lot. I hope you don't get pissed off at me. Smoking is sick because it turns your teeth yellow and your gums black. So what am I suppose to say? " Your gums look beautiful like a German Shephards". " You remind me of captain tar". "
" Who is captain tar"?
" Captain tar. You are are 23 and never heard of captain tar"
" Don't call me anything like that"
" I'll call you what I want"
" You'll be out on your ass if you don't shut up"
" I'll take the TP with me so you smell like shit"
" Your an idiot"
" I know what well"
" Yeah"
" Smelling like Pooper when he lifts his arms"
" Fuck You you piece of sick trash"
" I am gonna take a shit on your bed"
Argument ends in action packed fist fight.
Okay I know that had nothing to do with anything. Don't Smoke

Chrono Trigger = a kick ass game

Little Wing is an awesome song....

Well now that i got that off my chest I would like to say that Chrono Trigger for the SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) is one of the best games of all time across any platform. Even if you aren't a huge RPG fan, you can still get ento the game very easily. The story line along with the gameplay is truely amazing. It keeps you coming back for more, and more without even making you realize. The muscial score is also something that is very good. A good soundtrack definately adds to the overall experience.So if you wanna play an amazing game, don't play Halo or Gears of War. Play Chrono Trigger.

Now for those of you who are reading this and don't give a flying fuck about gaming, I will be posting something else pretty soon hopefully today.

Well till next time.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Lets Punch Her in the FACE


This is a quick post for me so I can easily get to the link above at home without doing it over again.
I hate that woman. She explains nothing and me and a friend about to punch her in the face because she is such a bitch. She also has a weird last name.
And this person thinks I am looking at them because I turned around for a second. Full House sucks. watch Tourettes Guy.

Oh yeah and the bitch looks like she has a stlagmite shoved up her ass. How about just stay in the cave next time while you do whatever shit you do. Thanks

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Triggered By Light

I always sneeze in the sun. I think I am alergic to it. So I may never go outside again. I also hate Pasta. I think I am alergic to it. I also hae air. I think I am alergic to it. I also hate the show Friends, I think I am alergic to it. I also hate the new episodes of the Simpsons. I think I am alergic to it.
One thing I must say that is annoying is when people say they are sick but they have a little tinee weenie cold. That is stupid. If you are sick you are puking, have a fever, and probably sinus cavities so plugged up, there is no chance of term clearing for them clearing up for the next three weeks.
I have been having cravings for KFC for like the last week and still haven't gone to it. I just love deep fried food. Onion Rings are also good, I had some last night. They were uber okay. Now everytime I walk by a KFC, I think about Buckethead for a good reason. But if he is protesting against them, it just makes me want KFC. Maybe one of those cool buckets too.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Make Up Words

If anthropology has made me think, it was this time around. I say if Shakespeare could make up words so can I. Leave a comment if you can think of some.
1. A new element- Malmsteenium
2. The Scorbo- an animal
3. A new string instrument- Stritatar

Neil Young - Heart of Gold

Watch and enjoy.

In Flames - Come Clarity (Live At Rock Am Ring 2006)

This video is a pretty good performance of "come clarity". The vocals are a little low at first but they get better. Check out the stage show.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Final Fantasy VII Battle Theme on guitar

Going wih the theme of video games and guitar, this is the final fantasy VII battle theme played on guitar by some guy named Daniel Tidwell. It's pretty cool to listen to if you have played the game.

Playing guitar and video games

Hey what's going on fellow supertronrandom readers, Pickle here.

Well this weekend is going to be sweet because I am all done my exams for this semester. So basically besides going to work tis weekend i am going to play video games and guitar, which is going to be sweet. I hven't got to play guitar all week because of exams (which went good) so i am syched to mess around with my Boss OS-2.

I also might be hanging with Monk and Stevis.

Well to next time

later on

ps. check out this crazy story about nerds getting in a messy situation


Herman Li video game guitar effects

Want to play some cool noises. Watch Herman Li do his thing.