Guru Thalmus
Guess what! He is an Elmsdalien. Guru Thalmus is from a town of overprotective soccer moms and pathetic looking fathers.
One thing I have noticed over the last while is that a lot of chicks fathers look like weird golf obsessed, mold crazed odd balls who work in cubicles. I really find it funny because if the girl starts going out with somebody that is greasy ( which does happen, weird people of all sorts have a chance) the father well hate the guy for the crustache alone. When the guy goes on excessivly for hours about manga, youtube, no plays, Japanime, his piece of trash Civic ( if he is a Wigger), kleenex, his love for Dashboard Confessional and other Emo filth, society, himself, how hot he thinks his girlfriend is ( oh papa well love that), cheese, chasing cheese, eating cheese, puking, snot, fetishes, video games, his moms clothes, what he wants to do with his girlfriend and how he wants to have kids at an early age well sure make papa love this freak of nature.
Like the greasy guy who owns the corner store, you too may amount to something. But you either have to be really good or really greasy. Some people love grease. It may have something to do with fast food joints or U.V rays or book polution ( Its the real cause of global climate change). But the real reason has to do with medical waste being to close to the media creation centers. All of those teen, racy sex mags ( like cosmo not porno you sick R- Tard) writers get these deadly fumes inside there heads and write things that make no sense. This distorts what many girls think.
So the causes are Book pollution and Medical waste for socities problems.
That made no sence!
You will never no who i am!
Or will you?
February 23, 2007 5:20 p.m.
Well lets say I don't care who you are.
February 24, 2007 10:43 a.m.
I know who you are!
And you know me!
I'm not a stocker either!
But really that was dumb!
February 24, 2007 10:49 a.m.
i love you so much will you go out with me pleeeeeeeeeeease love your secret admirer
February 24, 2007 3:44 p.m.
Just kidding!
February 24, 2007 6:00 p.m.
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