Wasting your time as soon as you enter the world of Supertron Random.The Answers To Your Questions are Also Answered Here This is about anything imaginable.The email supertronblog@hotmail.com This blog is impossible to spam. The five members are Gary aka Mr.Supertron, Monk Coppola, Frankster of the Freaks, Castro Stevis and Pickle. Also the home of The Adventures of Hugo!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Problem with Counselors

Counselors. Say it out loud. Its annoying but you can handle it. But now have someone tell you that you have to go to counselling. The thought probably makes you feel like you've been pwned by life. But whats worse is the people that proudly call them self a counselor.
One thing that is noticable is that counselors are usually extremely weird people. They are usually gay, a neo hippy, an emo, a former drug addict or just a complete weirdo. Even if they if they look normal you shouldn't trust them because their normal appearance is just a disguise.
The two things they all have in common is that they are weird and they are complete morons.
The counselors with the exception to these rules is high school guidance counselors who help people with education and not so much stupid emo crap as my parents beat me or I have no trustworthy friends.
Why are counselors always those weird people. Its due to the fact they have no friends. No one wants to listen to a weirdo complain about their life of be excluded by society. These are good people with bad intentions. The bad intentions are relativily fresh when they get into counseling. After years of being disowned for a very good reason ( their weirdness and unlikeableness do to the fact that they make normal people less popular and if you didn't know that by this far into the rant your and idiot or a counselor), they completly lose the little mind that they have and they now feel that it is time to screw over people in society into their bitch trap. Now they trap innocent people into this session called counseling so they can complain to people that can not escape them. That is why counselors are scum. This is how they force people to listen to what is defined as an inspirational complaint. This complaint can last forever. The counselors are in their dream job. A dream job that is about themselves.
The victim of these terrible counseling session have terrible ideas put upon them. Lame ideas that only create more earth scum. The Counselors subconcious plan is to make more of their soulless breed. They are like hardcore gays. They want people to be exactly like them. they want equality but anyone who knows anything about anything will know that this kind of equality is impossible. But gays a lot of the time have courtesy for other so they are human unlike a counselor. A counselor has no thought of man. They just want to service themselves.
The message in this rant is that no matter what terrible things happen, never get counseling. They will suck you into another one of their terrible self servicing sessions. This stupid tell you me your feelings has to end. Counselors are just trying to convert you just like Jehovahs. And we all know what we think about Jehovahs. Nuff said.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

strapping young lad (zen)

Its heavy. Good for when your mad.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Breakfast Cookies ( An Experimental Recipe)

Take any cereal ( Cheerios, Golden Ghrams etc) and blend it. Afterwards take it and add just enough milk to the amount of blended cereal. Take the blended cereal and add milk ( just enough) don't make it runny, just sticky but solid. Make it into strips and refridgerate. Then cut into pieces like ginger snaps. Bake in oven. You have Breakfast cookies.

Warning: These may be impossible to make and if they do work they may taste like the guts of diseased rat.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

HammerFall - Natural High

A power metal band from Europe. Odd Video. Cool Song. Did you know that Cheerios cause diabetes

Pop Music Sucks

Even though I am pretty well dead from the heat, I however still can notice when people are blasting the worst music on earth. From the worst of rap to the hidious country of today, I endured a barrage of the worst sounds known to man. At least now I am on my computer where the music is good.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Responses to the Cosmo Rant

The names in of the authors have been changed for their own good

Stacma- Gary, Wow that is really offensive.. STI's are a serious problem everywhere, it helps if people can get any type of information on them. I mean AIDS? That is a serious, incurable, life ending disease that is growing more popular every day. There are alway's things to write about STI's, warnings, new ones, cures, what to do if you have one etc. If no one ever takes the action to talk about them how are people going to learn about them and know how to protect themselves? Most schools in the United States don't even have a sex ed program to even know what a STI is and not to mention the magazine answer's questions that most people would find absolutly embarassing to ask their doctor or anyone else. Calling people, you don't even stupid makes you look even worse. And yes sure the magazine most likely does repeate some of the sexual material but they put different spins on it and it's not like they reprint the same thing each month, it'd be at least a year before you would ever see anything similar. Also comparing people to animals is degrading to everyone. Cosmo also has the latest fashion trends, which people are actually interested in. I don't see why you are so shallow about people's interest's

ghfdhjfhdfjKH- I agree with the above comments completely! Gary, have you ever read Cosmo? I have and I don't believe I fit any of the above descriptions you have listed as fitting those who read Cosmo. Mocking STI's and AIDs is a horrible attitude. Geez Gary you may not thing that some people should be "able to breed" but I don't think some people should be able to post stuff on the internet, mainly you. This is disgusting.Oh and Gary? Is this the best article you can write after being in Journalism 12?

Max- "Hve you ever been turned on by an Ibanez S Series and try to screw it but you got come in the output jack and didn't clean it out and the guitar didn't work for you playboy mansion gig?"what the fuck are you talking about.

AAA- Sometimess I dream of being an international pop sensation

These responses are incredible. I only posted the ones that had to do with this rant. This rant started an arguement that has nothing to do with this. This is a Supertron Random Highlight

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Cheese in the Sky

Yes there is a cheese in the sky and its name is Gouda. Gouda has a face the size of a lemon and a brain the size of a dog food chunk. Now as the story goes Gouda eats a monkey and then a cell phone which by the way tasted wonderfully electronical. Then it spit a boogie at old lady whore. The old lady flew to the sky where gouda ate her. Gouda rained out and died. The End

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Cosmo: New Sexual Discoveries or Boring Sexual Rerun

Everyday I walk into a store that sells magazines and Cosmo is always on the front of the case. Now chicks dig this mag because it has a lot of gossip ( I think) and sex in it. But how many sex variations is there?This magazine every month seems to have something new in it that only their expert fuckers( Writers) could come up with. Now a lot of that would be hard to think up on your own but they must be out of things to write about by now. But the mag keeps on going. Why? Because 50% of its readers can't remember if they wiped their ass after they droped on two minutes ago. See this isn't a magazine that complete idiots read. It takes a bit of effort. This magazine I think has rerun a lot of what it has writen in the past. Unless the superaids comes into existance there can't be a lot of new things to write about. Now this point can be argued by its dear and loyal and horny league of fans but I believe that this magazine has the potential for a reprint. But this mag has some other stupid crap in it too. Its not all about fucking like pets do. Subjects such as where all the hot guys ( usually fucking dickhole motherfuckers who can't go two seconds with 151 and being a complete asshole). Or how to prevent aids and superaids. This mag can not possibly be popular with out making you into an egocentric bitch. So this mag excludes all real people and only talks of people with brains that think Ashley Simpson is real punk music. Now for some interview questions from the magazine that I will ask if I become an interviewer or get interviewed by cosmopolitian assuming nothing is off limits as what every issue says on the coverHave you ever felt like getting a tattoo of your mother on your cock?Are you tits real?If asked by a homeless bum for services would you show him what you're made of?In the event of going into heat at a party would you do it in the kitchen?Hve you ever been turned on by an Ibanez S Series and try to screw it but you got come in the output jack and didn't clean it out and the guitar didn't work for you playboy mansion gig?Have you ever imagined what relations with an ugly overweight guy/ chick was like or have you done this?Is it true you have more stds then an iguana?Is it true that you indorse a condem company but yet you have every std on earth and you are now 75% plastic?As everyone can already tell, I have no chance of getting this oppurtunity to make an ass of myself for the magazine. But they will all tell you one thing that if you ever actaully got popular that you'd still be to damn ugly to be in their magazine.In conclusion I say that this magazine is a boring sexual rerun that most people will never notice because there are too many horny people and too many stupid readers ( 50%) and that 50% should never be allowed to breed and if it were medevil time they wouldn't want to because everyone was hairy back in those days? But with cosmo you'll know how to get rid of the lice!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

King Krap

One fine day after a royal meal
Something I started to feel was the royal meal making its royal exit.
To many royal things were let in and
it was to late to fix it.

What was once ritz is now kibbles and bits
and the great taste and smell is gone.
What was once wide and short
is now narrow and long.

( Chorus) Waiting for the king, waiting for the king
when its smelt by some a few is some
you know the king will come.

It was a long hard fight
but the king wouldn't come
the hard fight only produced a knight
the king wasn't ready to come.


As more nights come, the horns will sound
meaning his arrival will come
but even that larger piece of uncomfortable royal fudge
is so big that only medical treatment will make it budge.

But then one night, the king started to fight and then I had a war
corn was mixed in with kibbles and bits and there was a lot more
but even with some
the king wouldn't come
and I had the king to still endure


Then one royal morning, the royal horns made warning and I knew what was to be done
With one quick dash , the king made his spash
The royal perfume was smelt a long way then some

Waiting for the king, Waiting for the king
if you wait for the king to long, the king gets strong and no one is your friend
through the kindneys and liver,
the royal meal may quiver
and the royal army runs like a river
waiting for the king, waiting for the king

Waiting for the King

The Following People Suck

You Suck <> That is all

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Nick Watch the whole thing.

A Message to All Who Use Messenger

Messenger is something a lot of people use on a daily basis. But there is a problem with the way some people use it. They sign in when they are going to leave the house or whatever kind of shack they live in. So you say a nice hello and they either don't talk or say no I'm going to a friends place.
These people should be trained in messenger edicit or not be allowed to use it. They appear offline all the time they are there and then they sign in when they leave. These people are the highth of stupidity and rudness. Don't sign in when your gonna leave. Some people think that everyone should know when they are not home so they sign in like complete mentally handicapped R-Tards. So I can talk to you when your not home but if your home its like oh no they may speak to me. But I'll be a tool and sign in to screw people up that'll show them. You know I gotta really drop one right now. I wonder if anyone ever shook their junk and droped one at the same time. Hmm Lets find out. Thats what these people think. This is why if anyone ever ends up on your msn and your never able to talk to them you should delete them and save space for actual people. Over and out. Its still werking.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

journey - anyway you want it

Yes its awsome

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Aw, for fucks sakes...

It's like a shit owl...it might fly at night, but not if it's sick. And another thing...one should not persue a non-lengthy exchange. Not cool. Now for the real thing, where is it? It's on the wall, crawling in an inverted upwards direction, towards the mustard stain. Don't fucking feed it Gary...I'm fucking warning you, it's a mongo-like idea. Yellow meets red on the heaven's highway, giving a big FUCK YOU to the sky, but don't try to find the interchange, or the leprechaun will kick you in the nuts, or box, or whatever. And NEVER underestimate the power of untimely flatulence. Oh, what was that saying...don't fall in the mud or Tyra Banks will eat you? No, that's not it. Happily ever after; what a load bullshit.

-25 in 500 are one, but 1 in 20 is not.
-This is post 400, bite it.
-Armor and fluckin' sword, nuff said.
-The camp is progressing...
-Delphi's TDC is terrible, but could I possibly do better?
-Tomorrow's forcast - Bullshit with intermittent retardation.
-If only we could find the clitoris...maybe we'd all get our Wendy.
-We need more foreign people in commercials
-"You, shake your junk!"
-Inhaling hundreds of retarded flys can't be good for me.
-Fuck Gaspar Gomez, and fuck the fucking Diaz brothers!
-Got hole, need concrete.
-In a perfect world, people like Conrad Black would be giving handjobs for heroin...
-and people like Isaac Hayes wouldn't be fucking Scientologists.
-Nitrogen Dealers of Afghanistan doesn't exist, but it should.
-I wonder if Germany has a shit museum? Museum von Scheiße!
-Tickle me elmo, cause I like it. A little lower now...
-Don't vote Kenny in. Furniture Row sucks.

Beware the shit owl.

Tourettes King

The amazing Tourettes Guy and the Lion King all in one.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Maxel Burger

If the moon was made of burger, would have a man on it? Would it have a Bun? And when monkies pull on the strings of their martyr they puke. Jibber Jabber UBer Weather I am a too;. Smashing Yogurt and making a mess of a garbage container. And eating crap thats no good for me. Consuming 4 pop tarts makes me fell like crap. CMOK

Friday, May 04, 2007

Lazy Town - Activly Stupid

Did I type something wrong in the title? Probably. But I noticed something really terrible lately. A Lazy Town. Yes everyone around is lazy but I don't think thats it. I think it is the show Lazy Town.
Lazy Town's purpose is to get kids to get active. But its good purpose is lost because well its a television show, Television promotes laziness. Not activity. So the shows producers want lazy kids because thats who is going to watch the show. The active kids don't need this kind of propaganda. They will not listen to this. But the fat kids will try once and thats it. The show is enough exercise mentally to tire one out. The singing is terrible and its lame.
But one huge problem is the fact that for one real kid, there is three digital kids. The real kid is ugly too and same with the adult.
Now I have convinced you to exercise and not watch this show you can now go outside and get active. But the bottom line is that Lazy Town is such an annoying show that the only thing it exercises is your breaking point over the line of suicide.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I hate you.

A digital manifestation
flowing through my screen,
of two people in a display of affection,
which shouldn't be fuckin' seen.

A mute dumbass
in an image obscene,
but the issue can pass
cause she's come-guzzling queen.

Stop driving us to insanity;
do we have to say why?
The next of your intimate pageantry,
I hope it gets in your fucking eye.

You can continue to defend
the picture in your niche.
I understand the what you intend.
You're a god-damn bitch.

Fuck you.

The Waste of a Privillage

This drives me up the wall to snort cobb webbs for the point of well, snorting up cobb webbs. So what is this about. Snorting up Cobb Webbs? Picking a Cheeto cheetahs mascot costume nose for cobb webbs? No its not.
This about the problem with gay men. Many of them fall into this category. They have about ten hot girls( or just girls in general) hanging off of them. But they are guys and this would be bad if the guy was straight but this guy is bent all too hell. So he is a guy with all of these girls hanging off of him and he wastes every last damn second of it. Never dates, does them or do anything. If that was me I'd use that advantage. I could have anyone I wanted. But he actually could but for some reason or another he chooses to like men. Seems like a waste. It is a waste. So many guys wish those girls would like them but the chicks love the faggots and the straight grease bags only because the fag is like them and the grease bag won't look better. I will admit envy, jealousy and whatever other sin I am commiting now but you gotta admit this is terrible. And society say I have to respect this. Will I am not. I think that he should at least use it some. I don't care. If I wanted to hang out with them, they'd look at me like I was psycho. But If I was some flaming Homosexual fucktard, I'd be with the girls. I gotta bring up this point too. How could a guy honestly not like the female body? I'm telling you that the right chick could probably straigten them out. Do these fags know what they are doing? Of course not, they're gay. If the guy knew what he was doing, he'd be getting with everyone of those chicks.
So to all of you gay guys who take the attention from chicks away from us straight guys, you deserve to be beat to hell because your making everyones lives miserable. Make use of what you got. I would love to have those chicks. Damn you all !