Return of Rage. The Great Expanse of Fail
Its been a long time since I have done anything on here. In fact its been since Valentines Day 2008 since I have done anything. Two plus years of nothing really other than a few pics to post for various reasons. I was lazy, lacked the motivation, changed as a person, busy with more important things. Things kinda went dead in the world of ranting online.
This however has recently changed. The rage has returned as a thick greasy slick of oil is filling the oceans, but greasier slick of extreme fail has been oozing endlessly before this developing into an irreversible cluster fuck creating what has been recently expanding the great expanse of fail.
The great expanse of fail is the parking lot of the local supermarket. A parking lot is only an entrance to a real life observation cesspool of failing people and killing the hopes and dreams of those who are slaves to it. The great expanse of fail does not have to be a parking lot but in this case it is and it is the entrance to a medium of great failure. I have observed a few things that have motivated this update.
Observation one:PARKING LOT PEOPLE. Definition: Once high school losers who banded together due to their lack of intelligence, lack of hobbies, lack of imagination, and a very keen interest in shitty cars with no power, drinking and marijuana. These people may or may not work and are obsessed with being hicks whether they are or aren't. The real hicks in the crowd influence the others who aren't to dress and act just like them.
Parking lot people are the only people who think parking lot people are cool. Most of the time they are under control and a behaved to an extent. However things get out of hand. They feel as if they should take shopping carts and hassle the young person who goes to retrieve it. They have so little to do that they will even go to the store to bother them about it. They feel they are proving a point but the they prove that they are are just as retarded looking as their shitty car spoilers a gay ass paint jobs and fucking poser ass clothes. The words they speak resemble the retarded sounds of mufflers on the ricers they drive makes they they drive 50km/h. They feel it necessary to bother the younger person who is just trying to make work unlike them. They prove that Down Syndrome would have left them more useful to society because then their wouldn't be them taking up space in the parking lot. Not to mention the young guy will be laughing at them when his Death Metal band owns the earths existence and they stay in the parking lot listening to rap music and twang pop.
Observation Two: Old People. Go to the grocery store on a week day. When all of the parking lot people are in bed and all the kids are in school. You will see you are in a nursing home that sells food. Well many old people are being escorted around by their kids while at this time you see 4 years old being escorted with their parents. One particular old woman was with her kids that were taking her out for groceries. They treated her like a little kid. But this little kid is 80+ and has no understanding of the new world. Feeble body leaves her with no choice ( not to make fun there) but to rely on others. The only differences between kids and old people is old people have more money and are older. Well this sickening display of behavior from her pathetic 40 year old kid was when she saw treats. "Oh you want a treat (insert name)?" Big smile and a "yes I would like Cracker jacks". Imagine that. You found cracker jacks on a clip strip, not good enough to be with the other candy. You never had understood anything beyond moon pies, gummy bears or chicken bones. Well you get the Cracker jacks and take them home. In typical old person fashion you never open them until a week after you get them. Then that one day happens and you open them. But you only eat 2 pieces of the tasty corn. Then leave the open bag on the table. You give them to the grand kids thus beginning a cycle. The cycle is eating a piece a few times and offering to the grand kids. But you stop eating the cracker jacks and then just offering them to the grand kids. However this cycle just repeats for months. The cracker jacks are then cursed to a lack of freshness. The crisp a forgotten memory as soft structure ensues. Their stale existence unknown except to the children who eat them to be nice. The children with the look on their faces that says I can't wait to swallow this and be done with the chewy pain. The bag to be opened forever to create a horrible existence of stale food to be consumed by guests who would be too nice to refuse.
This old lady however must not be made fun of. She has served society and has raised kids and hopefully no more than two undesirable little bastards who are only using her for money. The great expanse of fail is beyond just a few metal wired up wheeled things that make students lives miserable. It is a medium for failures of all types of people. In the world of pure shit as the job market is gone to hell, keeping those with dreams held captive in its fail grasp of unwashed hands after the shits. The entire population stuck until BP's greasy slick washes us free into yet another mess as the expanse of fail expands into an eternity. But those that are destined to be free of the failing geography will be freed in time. The third wish from the genie of life will be granted. In time all will be well and the parking lot people will be glued to 2010 and the old people will be in a better place. However for those who wish to escape now can just yell HAMBURGER TIME!
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