Lazy Town - Activly Stupid
Did I type something wrong in the title? Probably. But I noticed something really terrible lately. A Lazy Town. Yes everyone around is lazy but I don't think thats it. I think it is the show Lazy Town.
Lazy Town's purpose is to get kids to get active. But its good purpose is lost because well its a television show, Television promotes laziness. Not activity. So the shows producers want lazy kids because thats who is going to watch the show. The active kids don't need this kind of propaganda. They will not listen to this. But the fat kids will try once and thats it. The show is enough exercise mentally to tire one out. The singing is terrible and its lame.
But one huge problem is the fact that for one real kid, there is three digital kids. The real kid is ugly too and same with the adult.
Now I have convinced you to exercise and not watch this show you can now go outside and get active. But the bottom line is that Lazy Town is such an annoying show that the only thing it exercises is your breaking point over the line of suicide.
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