Global Warming is Awsome

Don't complain about global warming because you probably loe summer. So it means a longer summer. As for storms, extreme weather is awsome. Its fun to watch. Its better than TV but not better than this. Global Warming is something you complain about but for some reason your comfortable outside and you love the weather. Have you ever thought that you may be a slight Hypocrite. I don't know the word for it. But Global Warming is doing you a favor. You can sunbath earlier in the year. I don't see you hippe protesty types complaining about suntans in April. But yet you you think you want cold. Lets pretend Global Warming never existed. What would you be doing now. You'd be coplaing about how its cold and wishing it was warm. Have you ever thought maybe God is giving you the gift of warmth. But no you just go around complaining about something you love. Will you are an idiot because who complains about a gift? You got what you wanted when you usually only get what you need. But I can't think like an ungrateful bastard. If I did I would not be here.
Do I think climate change is bad? Yeah some what, chemicals aren't good but think about the good things they do for us. Like our power, the random smell of fries in the air.
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