Some People Are Never Hated ( Sometimes)
Have you ever got that feeling like everyone for some reason hates your presence? Of course you have. But have you ever seen those people that no matter what happens everyone loves them? Of course. Its actually almost a piss off because it seems that for some reason or another the presence of some people seem to piss people off and make them hated. Well not hated thats just the way it seems. So it seems to be yourself is not cool because everyone loves phoneys ( haha I said phoneys).
Now take a look at facebook. Some walls have hardly any people writing on them and then there are those people who no matter what happens if you write on there wall, your post is on the next page in five minutes because about 15 other people write on there wall. Sometimes its like a conversation and other times its stupid crap. A popular one is this thing that says Girls are like Apples. Basically all it say is that the best ones are at the top and the boys only go for the easy ones. So it just makes them feel better. But it goes beyond that. In reality its actually saying " You're Fat, You're gonna be single for a long long time" But its just a cheap gimmick to make fat girls feel special. Another thing is that fat people always think they are better than someone thats skinny. So they say they are happy but I bet that if there was a way for them to pay money to have a skinny body, they'd make sure they were in debt for it. No questions asked. See this boils down to the fact that fat people are just full of S.H.I.T. Its all the same as minority groups trying to be equal. They all say equal but they actually all wanna be ahead of everyone else. Same with fat people. They want to be what looks good but they know they never will. But fat people will do anything to get something cheap too. Thats why McDonalds is their best friend. But they make every talk show say Skinny is evil, you should be over weight. Will thats not healthy living.
But as for the people that are always liked? Why is that. No one actually knows. Sometimes its personality. But have you noticed that money seems to be why some people have a lot of frends. And if your supposed friends on facebook liked you they'd write on your wall more. Thats the thing about those gay friends sites. They think that everyone is a friend. Will there not. A lot of those folks you don't even talk too. Even if its a good friend like Castro Stevis, I hardly ever write on the wall. So I will conclude by saying I am a hypocritic, moron who says that Facebook is a queer virus and you shouldn't use, a brain dead moron whose brain is made of fecal matter.
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