Cosmo: New Sexual Discoveries or Boring Sexual Rerun
Everyday I walk into a store that sells magazines and Cosmo is always on the front of the case. Now chicks dig this mag because it has a lot of gossip ( I think) and sex in it. But how many sex variations is there?This magazine every month seems to have something new in it that only their expert fuckers( Writers) could come up with. Now a lot of that would be hard to think up on your own but they must be out of things to write about by now. But the mag keeps on going. Why? Because 50% of its readers can't remember if they wiped their ass after they droped on two minutes ago. See this isn't a magazine that complete idiots read. It takes a bit of effort. This magazine I think has rerun a lot of what it has writen in the past. Unless the superaids comes into existance there can't be a lot of new things to write about. Now this point can be argued by its dear and loyal and horny league of fans but I believe that this magazine has the potential for a reprint. But this mag has some other stupid crap in it too. Its not all about fucking like pets do. Subjects such as where all the hot guys ( usually fucking dickhole motherfuckers who can't go two seconds with 151 and being a complete asshole). Or how to prevent aids and superaids. This mag can not possibly be popular with out making you into an egocentric bitch. So this mag excludes all real people and only talks of people with brains that think Ashley Simpson is real punk music. Now for some interview questions from the magazine that I will ask if I become an interviewer or get interviewed by cosmopolitian assuming nothing is off limits as what every issue says on the coverHave you ever felt like getting a tattoo of your mother on your cock?Are you tits real?If asked by a homeless bum for services would you show him what you're made of?In the event of going into heat at a party would you do it in the kitchen?Hve you ever been turned on by an Ibanez S Series and try to screw it but you got come in the output jack and didn't clean it out and the guitar didn't work for you playboy mansion gig?Have you ever imagined what relations with an ugly overweight guy/ chick was like or have you done this?Is it true you have more stds then an iguana?Is it true that you indorse a condem company but yet you have every std on earth and you are now 75% plastic?As everyone can already tell, I have no chance of getting this oppurtunity to make an ass of myself for the magazine. But they will all tell you one thing that if you ever actaully got popular that you'd still be to damn ugly to be in their magazine.In conclusion I say that this magazine is a boring sexual rerun that most people will never notice because there are too many horny people and too many stupid readers ( 50%) and that 50% should never be allowed to breed and if it were medevil time they wouldn't want to because everyone was hairy back in those days? But with cosmo you'll know how to get rid of the lice!
HAHA!! That's the truth!!
May 18, 2007 2:30 p.m.
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