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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Idiots Have Taken Over( Almost)

Okay people that copy and paste stuff for a university assignment and expect to not get caught should have to be chained to a post and have a line of 600 people kick them in the nuts.
This guy that wants to be a doctor named Ethan is an idiot. He thinks he is better than everybody because he is smarter than most academically. Thats one thing. He confuses the smell of sweat with rotten food. Now he wants to be a doctor. He isn't gonna operate on me because he might give me a sex change instead of a liver transplant. Sorry all he well do is kill his patients. He should not be allowed to make his own decisions. People that are over 13 should know the difference.
Another thing that is extremely uber retarded is guys who cheat on their girlfriends. The girl stays with him. That is something the both of them deserve to be punched in the face for. The guy should be casterated ( and made to preserve his nuts in a jar) and the girl should be put in an insane asylum for a very long time or at least until she clues in. That is so stupid. people that wouldn't cheat on you are just thrown to the side and this be pumped douche bag is getting laid. Just think of what their kids well grow up like. They well have genetic deformities beyond repair but no one well notice. Well hope they turn out ugly. That may actually do the world a favor.


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