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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Sally and Ugene

Once upon a time there was a girl named Sally and a man named Ugene. They were both fat. She was growing a mustache. They went to KFC for their first date and they went to camp out by a bakery dumpster for their honeymoon. All Ugene did was sleep and use the computer and Sally's favorite hobby was watching TLC daytime programing.One day Ugene said he wanted to lose weight. sally got mad and said " Ugly people must stick together. You are not allowed to look better than me"Ugene got mad and said " you are a stupid bitch" Sally wanted to kick him in the nuts but her leg weighed too much too lift more than an inch. Most of the time she was in an electric wheel chair because she dreamed of them being the worlds fattest couple. Over the period of a year Ugene lost weight. Sally got really mad. She told him of the dream she had and he said you wanna have a heart attack. She yell at him and says we could have had fame and fortune. Ugenes yelled I want a life thats not confined to a wheel chair. She was enraged and he ran away and she chased him in the wheel chair. He was slow as can be and she was even slower because her weight slowed the chair down. He got ahead and hid at the exercise center. She saw him go in but as soon as her chair got to the door the axil on the chair broke due to her whale like build. She started to stand up and the sound of her ass coming off the chair was a large squel. She stood on the road and a pick- up truck hit her and she didn't fall. The truck was so damaged that it was un repairable. She stood there and yelled" See what you've done. You made me get a rip in my poncho. A bird than flew into her fat and never came out and was stuck.That made him realize that exercise is no wheres near as good for you as fast food. Lets go to McdonaldsOkay I should be thrown in prison for that pointless crap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well that is stupid.....not so much you!

February 24, 2007 11:06 a.m.


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