Wasting your time as soon as you enter the world of Supertron Random.The Answers To Your Questions are Also Answered Here This is about anything imaginable.The email supertronblog@hotmail.com This blog is impossible to spam. The five members are Gary aka Mr.Supertron, Monk Coppola, Frankster of the Freaks, Castro Stevis and Pickle. Also the home of The Adventures of Hugo!

Friday, March 30, 2007

The Adventures of Hugo 12

Hugo had to make his was to a bathroom. He was holding it for hours. That was both one and two and maybe three. Utu asked what three was. Hugo didn't know for sure but he knew it would be a cleaner. Utu said I wanna watch. Promise not to make me dirty. Hugo said, thats sick minded of you. You're a freak of nature that eats salt for fun to make yourself thirsty because you like being dehydrated. Utu said you must remember I am not human as you are Hugo. Hugo said you wouldn't be a good human. You would be too hairy. But you do grow a mean crustache. That was Utu's Specialty.
Hugo made it to a washroom. Number One and Two came out with ease. But what came out next was not number three. It was number 5. Utu was like waht was number 5. Hell what is three and four? Hugo said for the sake of your own health stay out. Utu couldn't help it. He went to look at what Hugo made. It was terrible. It was so bad that Utu passed out. Hugo was feeling the effects of it himself.
As Hugo finally finished his clean up he heard something. It was one of the monkeys. Hugo could see it through the glasses. He flew forward and hit it with a pipe he tore off the wall. But it was the sewage pipe. The mess spewed everywhere. The monkey was dead but Hugo was mad about the mess. He said to Utu you must get up. Before we get turned into Janitors. Utu stumbled out of the room. He said his lungs are going to need a week to recover. The air had all of the dirt found in Mice Placentas. Hugo noticed that the time was late. The monkeys are not far. We have to fight them off and get to the telemarketing scam HQ. Lets go eat some garbage for energy. Utu said Garbage tastes like crap. Hugo said it will be free. Utu said lets get some toast crusts.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

BOSS GT-8 Guitar Multi Effects Processor

Did they say you need a midi pickup to get this things full potential. Who cares. Johnny DeMarco Owns

Orion [Full Premiere] - Metallica (Live 2006)

This is one of my fav metallica songs. I soon want to attempt to learn this song, i think it would be a good song to play as a band. The bass is played on a five string but it only needs to be played on a four string.


Lets call this thing FT. FT is a real backwards dude. One second he is giving you a deal. The next second he is ripping someone off. Yesterday this Asshole gives some people a real good deal. Next I show up and get ripped off three dollars.
Will just like " Tools With Egos" this guy is is overrated and acts like a tool. I think there should be a huge revolt against him because he is a complete dick to me. Someone else gets a great deal and the next second I get my money stolen. $ 3 I get screwed out of. Thats enough to make some people want to stop bullying.
This bullying is not from a human. Sadly it is from a Full Throattle Machine. Never trust those things. Monk gets two for one. Paul ( insider joke) gets two for one. Someone else does too. I get screwed out of $3. Never Trust Full Throattle Machines. They will screw you over. I will get revenge on that thing.


Well 's finally soon gonna be the weekend. Tomorrow is gona suck for me because i have a chem test and a calc quiz. I also have to work tomorrow night. On saturdy i probly have stiff i should do but i will probly hang out with monk, gary, and castro in the afternoon anyway.Rockstar is the shit. The stuff thatis 70 juice is so awesome it gets me so pumped up and hyper. Not alot of energy driks do but rockstar does.

Rush is the shit as is Dream Theater and the who AND JIMMY HENDRIX AND LED ZEPPLIN AND IRON MAIDEN, shit i just tyed al in caps and is metllicaand i am not even making any sense right now but oh well.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tools who have egos

Well this is gonna be my first rant on supertron about a certain someone. I am not gonna mention names but anyone of my friends will know who it is. So this person who is kinda a friend of mine calls me up to tell me that he got an electric guitar amo and that he got his 30 year old tele fixed. I though this was cool and asked him if he wanted to have a little jam. He said cool and i went over to his house. he whole time we were jamming he thought he was better than me and he has ony recently started playing guitar. he said he was soloing over my chord progressions but they were't even solos. All that he wanted to play was stuff that he was into. He didn't want to play anything that would take anytalent to play. We did jam a little bit of little bones by he hip but that was the only thing that went good. it pisses me off when someone who just started to play guitar thinks he is better than me just because he takes lessons. If he was actually better than me it wouldn't be a problem but he isn't, I don't have an eho i am modest person according to most people and this just really bugs me. The one thing that really pissed me off ws when was in the middle of playing something and his person put his hnd of my guitar and muted all my stings as i was playing, that really pissed me off. Well now i am pretty much rambling but i will leave everybody with a couple of words. Don't jam with he drummer who just started playing guitar who is part of a greasy group. Pun intended.

Nickelback: The New Evil

They are one of those bands who constently writes music that is worse and worse everytime a new album comes out. They start off as hard rock. Not really a heavy rock, just a distotion driven riff band. Next time a new album comes out, they are a little less heavy. Now they are pop radio BS to put it mildly. I don't care how many albums were sold. They suck.
Listen to the their new singles. Notice how all of the songs are really light and sing about things that take no effort to think about. Now thats not really the point. The point being that they have sold out. They are terrible. The reason they sell so many records and have so many fans is due to the fact they are played every five minutes on Radio, Music Video TV Programs. Its pathetic. It takes no effort to find it.
Now whay aren't bands such as Rush or Dream Theater more popular? This is due to the fact that it is Progressive rock. Prog is dubbed as unpopular by Rolling Stone. It makes people think. Look at the new pop music. It all has no depth. Prog makes people think. Everything now has to be dumbed down for the majority of stupid people on the Planet Earth.

The New Evil is Nickelback.

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young - Down by the River

Check out this CSNY video, it's pretty sweet.

The host is a tool.

Sonata Arctica - Fullmoon

This is a repost. I did something wrong and accidently deleted the other video.

Awsome Guitar

http://www.musiciansfriend.com/document?cpd=0OEY&doc_id=99371&g=guitar&base_pid=517996&index=0 check it out. Just don't plan on buying it soon

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Rush - The Big Money

The video is the ultimate cheese. Watch it. The song is awsome by the way.

Prehistoric Notice

This concerning all of the baby dinosaurs who migrate directly under its mothers ass. That mother dinosaur is taking a huge shit on the baby.
Dinasaur crap must have weighed like 300 pounds. It would make craters. Now what if the dinosaur had diahrea. It would be like a Fecal River. Imagine if the baby dinosaur got covered in it. It would probably lick it up. Tasty!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

up in flames by joe satriani

Pretty sweet Joe Satriani song, this is from the G3 2005 Love in Tokyo DVD which i own.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Some People are Fat

Some people are fat. They will never lose weight at all. Thats the truth. You can't judge people from looks. Thats what you would like to think. But thats not true. You can judge people from looks in a general sense. Here are some things I have noticed.
Fat girls generally complain a lot. They are more likely to have social problems. That is not all of them, just the gross, very weird, unattractive ones. One thing that they will say is " I thought she was my friend but shes not my friend." Or I like those chips. But the chips are the sickest and she eats them from a large bag in front of everyone with no awarness that she is making herself more fat. Screw the taste, your making yourself your own social nightmare. You will never attract a man. Him just seeing what she eats will make him go to the chick that only weighs 220 instead of your 350. Maybe go to the doctor. Those tits resting on your knees are not helping. Guys like big tits. But sometimes the smaller ones are just a little nicer. Also that huge massive, wal-mart style bra strap holdings those things above the ankles aren't actually the erotic attraction of Victoria's Secret.
A residencial subdivision of Nuclear Families ( Parents and Children). The man goes to work everyday. The kids go to school. She stays at home. The neighborhood kids all hang out with each other. Sounds like the perfect life. But among the mothers of this community, there are enemies. If you notice, all of the normal, unattractive mothers all get along with each other. They don't really hang around but they all talk when they drop off the children. Everything is still good sounding. Until something happens. The new neighbors move in down the street. The kids become friends. But their mothers meet. The new mother of the neighborhood is what you would call a MILF. They start to talk. Everything goes good. But after about two weeks the unattractive women start talking about the Milf behind her back. They talk about how they don't like her expensive tastes and her low cut shirts. They will comment on how they notice that when she hangs out her clothes on the line, there is no underwear present. Women that wear panties think they are better than women who wear thongs. Infact they bitch about it behind their backs. Which means the milf is more attractive. Other women hate the thought of some chick being more attractive than themselves. After a while they will even try to turn the kids off from hanging out with the MILF's kids. " No you can't go over there today, play outside". You can't say it is not true. Pay attention to the parents when they talk. It will be proven. They will deny it but its true. Ugly chicks always think they are better than hot chicks. Hot chicks can do that too. But not as bad sometimes. Looks don't make them bitchs if they are already bitchs. They also will bitch about the MILF's husband. Probably because he is more attractive or that he is just making more more money and is home more than their own. Its all true. They don't like the beer gut. They don't like it when all he does is watch action movies all weekend. But if it wasn't for him, they would probably be baby sitting the Milf's kids ( which by the way are little assholes).
The bottom line. Ugly women are Jealous of their more attractive counterparts. From your Prophet Mr. Gary Supertron

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Corn Is Blue

If corn is blue, are you dreaming? If the planet is red, are you nottingham lace? Some people have Christmas in July. I never knew I was once new. Wow I am only 443459348589474674543. Thats really young. I got another 897865674645 to live. Will I should get a tan at the Tropitana for my burger meat in the sunroom. So if I pooped on the couch would I get yelled at? Or would I be made king? I think maybe archbishop for some reason. If only I had a gut to show you yesterday it would be awsome. Woototot. Now if man and the moon could just get along we'd be ok and if the Cheetos Tiger was real, no one would be hungry

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dell Smash

Last night after the long awaited journey to KFC, Monk, Pickle, Castro Stevis and I all went for a drive. Once we ended up in the middle of no where, Pickle noticed something. We thought it was a microwave but it was better. It was a computer with a scanner, printer, tower, part of a desk thing,keyboard,and some other thing I swung around a lot.
After a half an hour there was no more computer. After Castro Stevis tied all of the cord together. We towed the thing I swung around down the road behind the car which was fun. A trip to the high school up the road endedup in Monk beating me for putting ketchup packets under the tires. Haahha. Fun.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Ok if someone thats a hot chick won't say hi to you just say this. Don't talk you stupid slut. You're gonna get fat.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Grind To This

I like the thought of Grinding. Let the kids grind at the dance. Just let them do it to this song.

Biological Disorder

Every kid watchs Arthur. Is that a bad thing. No not at all actually. It is a good show for kids. It doesn't teach anything bad really when you think about it.

But something is over looked by almost all people. That most of the characters are different animals. Now everyone know Arthur is an Ardvark. Everyone knows he likes Francine. But what is Francine. Is she and Ardvark too. I don't think so. I see a personified ape. Heres the list.

1. The program always shows the children Arthur and Francine would have if they were married. It wouldn't work because their chromosomes would not match. Its impossible. The show pretty well follows reality. But not in that sense.

2. Francine would be way bigger than Arthur. Have you ever seen an ardvark the size of an ape? If you have visit your local Psychologist.

3. Buster is the kind of child that should have a crustache. If he is too young now he's gonna get one soon. You know he's gonna get one.

4. Brain has to be black. There is no way around it. He is going to be the pimp in highschool. On top of that he is damn well smart. But in reality that guy would be a nerd. Not cool at all.

5. I never saw a fat person on that show. Pumped up ones but never fat. I am surprised fat parents aren't suing the company for discrimination. If they did, I hope they lost so much money in court that they will starve to lose weight.

I think this show tried to not have races. No one is white or black or Arabic or Asia. Also everyone has culture. Will of course they have culture. But they have too much culture. Nobody has that much culture. And most people aren't even that open to different culture.

6. All of their teeth should be rotted out of their skulls because they always over indulge at that place called the Sugar Bowl.

7. What kind of moronic parents let a nine year old go anywheres around town. Oh no I slept on the bus but everyone is so friendly I don't need a Visa card. Life really works that way in Elmwood city.

8. The world doesn't have that many friendly, perfect people. If it did it would be nice but then Playboy wouldn't exist. Not that I read it or anything. " I can walk down the ghetto at 11pm and they won't do anything but help me find my way. Now these pants don't have pockets so sorry no change. Whats that sticking out of my arm? Someone is screaming. It must be a rehearshal. Oh and those gun shots sound so real."

9. I bet Arthur is never gonna work up the balls to ask out Francine either because he is paranoid his parents will get mad. On top of that if she ever saw his tighty whities, he wouldn't ever lose that thing called virginity.

Yes I know this post ruined a lot of chances with any ladies because they all have a love for this show. See I am a fan of the new Rush single " Far Cry"

Buckethead/Deli Creeps - Dream Girl (1991)

The continuing of The Young Buckethead DVD

Chrono Trigger is the shit !

I finally beat Chrono Trigger last night at about 12:30. The boss of he game is not overly hard, it just takes a while to beat. The game was kick ass.

Check Rush's updated website www.rush.com to check out the new single "Far Cry" off of the new yet to be released album "Snakes and arrows". If this single is anything like the whole album, the album is going to be sweet.

Well later on.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Aqua Teen Spirit Journey

horrible, lol.


If you post my name, the coment will be deleted. You don't have the balls to tell us who you are. Remember back to the 5Barney Girl comments trying to screw us over. We went along with it. Your and idiot if you think we won't know who you are. We can find out. Supertron random has computer techs and members that are pure genious. We can find otu if you want so you may as well say because if we find out ourselves we well post your name all over this site and humiliate you in front of millions. We aren't that big of dicks ( or at least I am not). But just remember that we can find out.
I got a question for you. If you know me so well, why don't you tell me something you know to prove it other than all this beating around the vacuum cleaner as you have. Come on anything. Names don't prove a damn thing. I want a story. Come on. I'll be waiting.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Aerosmith-Dream On (live)

One of my fav aerosmith songs, I really like the vocals, Steven tyler is an amazing vocalist.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Blamo Du Blamo

I am hating this early time change right at this moment. The reason being that It is later than it should be. And why would they screw over Halloween like they did. Now its gonna be light out on Halloween. What a bunch of friggin morons. If it is light, all of those great glow things won't work. I hate these safety freaks that think you have to eliminate all risks. Heres a risk they never thought up. Their kids are going to get beat to hell for looking like retards. Another one is what about those kids alergic to sunlight. They can't have Halloween now because it well be light out. Great they're stuck inside. What do you think? Your kids aren't gonna get as much candy if the sunlight alergy kids are out to. You make me sick.

R.I.P Brad Delp

The singer of Boston has died yesterday. luckily when we played last night we didn't screw up More Than a Feeling so he won't be spinning around too bad.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Buckethead Night train solo

Robyn its your video. Watch it. Buckethead is the shit.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Grease Bags

The world is doomed. The fattest grease bag is out to score your daughter with something he calls Hairy Freddy.
Look at that guys smile.. Do you honestly think you can trust him? Of course not. The girl in the picture has her face blocked out because she doesn't deserve to be taken down 300 pegs. Well lets analize the grease bag with the most heart less critisism of all time.
1. That guy is a fat, useless piece of crisco. Clearly not attractive in anyway. Look at that chest hair and how he has his shirt, trying to be smooth and he is because the grease that is coming off his sick carcuss is gonna be used in your local deli, bakery or McDonalds.

2. His attitude is also greasy. He isn't there for meaningful conversation. He's there for a one night stand. The smile says everything. This guy is just like an earthworm. He is 60% piss. The other 40% is also crap. I bet he is like 35 and weighs about 250 pounds. 249 of those pounds complete waste.

3. The guy thinks he has a social life. Well clearly he has no life because he has to try and get with immature 18 year olds with fake IDs to like him. I wouldn't trust him. He'd love you to death one night if his heart didn't give out in from all the bowls of crisco he had breakfast. The next night if he survived he wouldn't even know you because he would be close to downing two 12 packs of Canadian, he would be so drunk and close to AP that he couldn't talk in an understandable slur.

People like him are what have people like the SR crew here single. People have high standards. Well considering that most people are idiots anyways is it a big deal. Some people act like their fathers run into their rooms naked and beat them. Thats not funny but thats the emo kids for ya. Gotta be feminist to be realistic. Well if it keeps you away from Grease bags do it.

Like the post about the greasy corner store owner, I kind of find this funny but at the same time I am just wanting to puke. WE are not grease bags at SR but many hot chicks go out with Grease Bags. have no clue why. So since we are not sports people or grease bags I guess we a screwed. But look at it this way. They are Grease Bags. Hairy sick looking pervs. Also my shit is the size of something that would come out of a hippo or Guatamalin Warthog. The TP is cheaper. Haha You Grease Bags are the reason the sewers clog up. Shove your dicks in it Fags

Iron Maiden - Phantom Of The Opera (Live at Ullevi)

Hey what's up fellow supertron readers. This is an awesome song by Iron Maiden from their first album. A friend of mine showed me this and I thought it was prety freekin sweet.

long time no see

well i guess its been fuckin forever since i have made a gad damn post, and gary wont stop bitching, so here it is. PICKLE!!,i dont care if you think my mom is MILF, as long as i can fuck your cousin in return, MONK!!, thnx for goin to get the shit (cough..cough) i dont think the keyboard is gonna be there PISSSSSSSSS!!!, holy fuck a 100 dollar bill!, GARY!!, dont stop tryin wit da ladies, you will get one eventually, and you cant bitch anymore cause im makin a post right .......NOW!!, sure hope i get fuckin glider, tht be so wiked...wait, tht would mean i would be a registered glider pilot, FUCK YEAH!!!!! woah....why am i chewing on a bolt? fuck im retarded, mannn i found conky in my room under my bed, sweeeet, why, bayley? WHY????? man i hate it when u love someone very much and they totaly dont love you back ughhh, i dont care what you think about metallica, they rock out all other bands , fuck your stupid shit (except for monk , he listens to good shit), ONE IS AN AWESOME SONG!!!!! pickles cousin has a nice ass!, this shit is very random for me, holy shit i died my hair, BLONDE,i think,
cadets tonite, fuck my uniform, i dont really care anymore, monk we need to litres of canada club and about 6 blue jolts PRONTO!,man i love guns, fuck the taliban, i think we sould line em up and use em for training privates, sweet i want a colt c7 NOW!!!, haha i love that picture, me + ak47 = happy stevis, YAY tom sawyer just came on my compy,

thts enough for now i think,
castro stevis, out

Michael Angelo Batio Double-Guitar Solo

Its really interesting to watch. I don't particularly want the guitar but some can give it to me if they want.

Lacuna Coil - Enjoy the Silence - Download Fest 06

This song well not impress any of the memebers on this site. Check out the Line 6 stacks and the ESP 7 Strings. They are Steven Carpenter models.
The chick singing is Christina Scabbia which is an amazing vocalist and is not too bad. I think I am drawn to the ambience. Mind you I would like to hear a guitar solo. I amy try to improvise over it later on.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Check out Bloom by Eric Johnson. Its amazing

People That Listen To Everything Are Usually Idiots

If you have ever noticed that people always say they listen to everything. It doesn't matter what it is. Well ask them questions about what they listen to and they can never answer you. They never know what they listen to. They would be lucky to know the genre.
As smart as they seem they can never name one song they listen to. They just limewire a lot of crap. I mean crap. It is never good to listen to. Just like their gay ringtones on those cellular phones. They know it sucks but they use it anyway.
These people have never heard of Rush and if they have they only know the song Closer to the Heart. There is a lot more songs than that one but nonody knows them.
Another thing. Colin George Raymond Steward is a dick faced, fat, complaining moron that beats his kid while he himself is naked. Sick

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Broad in a Narrow Spectrum

I listen to music. Just only good music like the stuff on put on this site. Yeah I am gonna go play Boxhead soon on NewGrounds. Pickle got me into it. Also try Dink Smallwood. It looks cool.
Now back to the letter S. I got one out of two. Now I got to try for number two but I don't think its possible. But Mr. G thinks that it may be so you never know. I may.
Hugo well have a new story soon on here. I promise that and some good rants and just completly random trash.

Friday, March 02, 2007


Yeah that about explains it. But who knows.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Steve Vai - I'm The Hell Outta Here

The end noise I think is amazing. I love this song.

Dream Theater: Honor Thy Father

Extremely Heavy

Anonymous is an Idiot

Here is what I think you are.
1. Rewobs friends,
2. Gay Middle schoolers
3. Retards
4. Bored people I know in person
5. Someone that says they hate me but don't.

If you don't like me, why are you so obsessed with this blog and me. It makes no sense. You think you have won. No I have won. You are the loser. 2nd place idiot that well not make it to the top ever in their life. I don't even believe that you are in middle school.It gross if you are because I am finished high school. Thats what scares me. I don't want to know you then.
I know that you are an idiot with a high speed internet and a slow speed brain that does can do no more than a shitty piece of cardboard. If you want a profile of yourself tell me. And its not your friend. Its you with your retarded personality disorder. You'll probably grow up to be one of those morons who can't move past the days of Seinfeld and the O.C. Seinfeld is cool but O. C is just lame. Oh she did crack and got knocked up by a hobo. Oh and William got pushed into the water by a mob.
Thats you. A piece of media made trash that thinks they are doing something interesting. I your one of Rewobs friends I've got things I could say that would make you reevaluate your life.