Wasting your time as soon as you enter the world of Supertron Random.The Answers To Your Questions are Also Answered Here This is about anything imaginable.The email supertronblog@hotmail.com This blog is impossible to spam. The five members are Gary aka Mr.Supertron, Monk Coppola, Frankster of the Freaks, Castro Stevis and Pickle. Also the home of The Adventures of Hugo!

Friday, March 30, 2007

The Adventures of Hugo 12

Hugo had to make his was to a bathroom. He was holding it for hours. That was both one and two and maybe three. Utu asked what three was. Hugo didn't know for sure but he knew it would be a cleaner. Utu said I wanna watch. Promise not to make me dirty. Hugo said, thats sick minded of you. You're a freak of nature that eats salt for fun to make yourself thirsty because you like being dehydrated. Utu said you must remember I am not human as you are Hugo. Hugo said you wouldn't be a good human. You would be too hairy. But you do grow a mean crustache. That was Utu's Specialty.
Hugo made it to a washroom. Number One and Two came out with ease. But what came out next was not number three. It was number 5. Utu was like waht was number 5. Hell what is three and four? Hugo said for the sake of your own health stay out. Utu couldn't help it. He went to look at what Hugo made. It was terrible. It was so bad that Utu passed out. Hugo was feeling the effects of it himself.
As Hugo finally finished his clean up he heard something. It was one of the monkeys. Hugo could see it through the glasses. He flew forward and hit it with a pipe he tore off the wall. But it was the sewage pipe. The mess spewed everywhere. The monkey was dead but Hugo was mad about the mess. He said to Utu you must get up. Before we get turned into Janitors. Utu stumbled out of the room. He said his lungs are going to need a week to recover. The air had all of the dirt found in Mice Placentas. Hugo noticed that the time was late. The monkeys are not far. We have to fight them off and get to the telemarketing scam HQ. Lets go eat some garbage for energy. Utu said Garbage tastes like crap. Hugo said it will be free. Utu said lets get some toast crusts.


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