The Problem with Counselors
Counselors. Say it out loud. Its annoying but you can handle it. But now have someone tell you that you have to go to counselling. The thought probably makes you feel like you've been pwned by life. But whats worse is the people that proudly call them self a counselor.
One thing that is noticable is that counselors are usually extremely weird people. They are usually gay, a neo hippy, an emo, a former drug addict or just a complete weirdo. Even if they if they look normal you shouldn't trust them because their normal appearance is just a disguise.
The two things they all have in common is that they are weird and they are complete morons.
The counselors with the exception to these rules is high school guidance counselors who help people with education and not so much stupid emo crap as my parents beat me or I have no trustworthy friends.
Why are counselors always those weird people. Its due to the fact they have no friends. No one wants to listen to a weirdo complain about their life of be excluded by society. These are good people with bad intentions. The bad intentions are relativily fresh when they get into counseling. After years of being disowned for a very good reason ( their weirdness and unlikeableness do to the fact that they make normal people less popular and if you didn't know that by this far into the rant your and idiot or a counselor), they completly lose the little mind that they have and they now feel that it is time to screw over people in society into their bitch trap. Now they trap innocent people into this session called counseling so they can complain to people that can not escape them. That is why counselors are scum. This is how they force people to listen to what is defined as an inspirational complaint. This complaint can last forever. The counselors are in their dream job. A dream job that is about themselves.
The victim of these terrible counseling session have terrible ideas put upon them. Lame ideas that only create more earth scum. The Counselors subconcious plan is to make more of their soulless breed. They are like hardcore gays. They want people to be exactly like them. they want equality but anyone who knows anything about anything will know that this kind of equality is impossible. But gays a lot of the time have courtesy for other so they are human unlike a counselor. A counselor has no thought of man. They just want to service themselves.
The message in this rant is that no matter what terrible things happen, never get counseling. They will suck you into another one of their terrible self servicing sessions. This stupid tell you me your feelings has to end. Counselors are just trying to convert you just like Jehovahs. And we all know what we think about Jehovahs. Nuff said.