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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Smoking Rant

Hey, It's been awhile since anyone has heard from me but I'm back temporarily and am posting as gary has so often requested I do so...this rant is on the smoking issue our government is now inplacing....lets start out this way...I don't smoke nor have I ever and I encourage people to not smoke but if you want to go the hell ahead it's your choices and you have to live with whatever the consequences may be. But the government has gone a bit to far in my opinion, making all public locations and vechiles on those public locations smoke free....it was fine the way it was with the smoke rooms and such next thing you know they're going to be telling us when we can take a shit....the funny part is all these public places are supposibly scent free but we still have perfume/calogne companies that put out colgnes at more than $ 100 retail value which is an absurd price considering you're not suppose to be able to wear scents in public areas so why must smoking be banned and not colgne companies....oh wait that just proves multinational coorperations have more power in terms of economy than the government does, BIG SURPRISE THERE HUH! NOT, I hate to say it but ms. kewachuk was right boys, anyways taking the ability of people to smoke which is there free will to do so is wrong and it's pathetic that the people who chose to smoke can pretty much only do so on their own property ....even thought their car is their property, if it's on a public location it's still classified as public property.
Remember free the freaks
as always
Frankster of the Freaks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need to put stuff on more often

November 23, 2006 6:02 p.m.


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