Hugo Breaking News
Just when I thought I made up Hugo I was mistaken. He has come out of my head and into the real world. The other day he was spotted in a Purolater truck making deliveries. This was confirmed by Supertron Random. Monk Coppola was also a witness of the event.
Some what resembling Surp, Hugo has taken on this appearance but with different details. Hugo did not speak with us but he did seem to notice our presence. He pretended to do his job but we know he is on a mission.
The next installment of The Adventures of Hugo is due on Friday November 24, 2006
5barneygirl did call Hugo. Don't know what they talked about. I myself didn't hear from Hugo quiet a while now. I know he has a new job and was looking for another place to live. He's living near the railway-station, that's what I heard. (5barneygirl what's wrong with your mailbox?)
November 22, 2006 3:44 p.m.
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