Morons Don't Eat Real Turkey

I saw in an advertisement for a chain store that sells an easy cut turkey. It looked weird. It didn't have legs I don't think. Also Tofurkey would also be horrible.
Real people eat real meat, not fake meat. Thats why I do not eat fake crab legs made of herring.
Now I also will not eat anything that says October Fest on it, even if one is the expiry date and the fest is in a sentence that says " Granola Fest". I had awful tastless sausage with the october fest name on the package.
Vegans are very weird people. They are like Neo Hippies. They look weird, smell weird, act weird, think weird, fart weird ( from not eating meat), throw up weird, listen to weird music, just are plain weird. But they think people like me have a problem because I eat meat. Well weren't people designed to eat meat. Stupid twats. Those people are alive because their ancesters ate meat. Seems like a waste when you know that because they survived a retarded vegan is born.
But I guess we have to put up with them idiots because nowadays everyone hates good change. No now people want stupid things like " Lets Stop The Bear Hunt", or " Banning guns well make my kids walk to school safer". Well cigarettes kill more people than guns and car accidents are more likely to happen then getting shot while hunting. Well Canada should also keep its army in Afganistan because if they leave now it will be a waste of time and lives. But morons think that they are gonna do the world a favor by pulling out. Well pulling while having sex didn't do yourself any birth control favors did it? In fact I support Stephan Harper and his plan to destroy gun registry and to stay in Afganistan just so I am not like the rest of you retards who are vegan,activists,retards,and crakheads.
Buckethead rules.
Photo from
If vegetarians don't eat meat, than do vegetarian girls give head ? Think about it.
December 18, 2006 5:46 p.m.
December 18, 2006 8:39 p.m.
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