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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Feminists Are Sexists

Thats a fact. Feminists try to tell you they want equality. Thats what they want you to believe but they really think that they are better than men and should have more than men.
Right now I will say that I like the thought of equality but I know it will never happen because it is impossible. Feminests also know this but they use it another way. They want the tables to turn and it is working Is that a bad thing? No it is not but it is also not good. Look at racism which is kind of the same underlying principle. They will use what they are to get what they want and the other person can not use it because they are not a certain gender or race.
This sounds like a ripoff of a Monk Coppola rant but I got to it before he did. But I think he would agree that the activist type are a bunch of retards wearing I am so smart and important masks.
Now this leads to another important point. Not everyone is important. Most people have no weight in this world to make changes or cause problems. They have no power or no meaning but yet they still think they mean something. I don't have much importance. The importance I have is to inform you that you are not important. Other than that I am useless. I should be doing other things now but this is a necesary news story. Some people that if they were missing nobody would care or notice. If you notice when you read the newspaper and find out someone is missing you don't care. You may pretend in your head to care. You may wish them the best but you don't really care. You think nothing of it. Its just ink on paper to you. If you really cared you'd go search for the person. In fact you don't care if the person is ever found. A more interesting story is in the entertainment section about Britney Spears sex tapes. You just don't care. I bet if a celeberaty went missing you'd care more than if Joe Blow that was a garbage man went missing.


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