Blog Improvements
Just a short message outlining shit you probably already noticed...
-I changed the stupid ass static number in the top left corner into a hit counter
-I organized the links somewhat, so it's less hard on the eyes. I also added Rickenbacker to the guitar/bass links. How the hell could Gary forget about them?!?! And I forgot to add Boss, a kick ass company that makes fucking great effects pedals, with shit for guitarists and bassists! I'll add them right now.
Add any comments or suggestions in the comment jigger. This was my first real venture in editing web code, so any suggestions for improvements would be great so that i can hone my skills a bit.
It is now 1:40 in the morning, and I am tired as hell. I'll leave off with answering some of the stuff Gary said. I am not religious in the least bit. I believe that there is more to life than we know, but with my luck if I pick a religion it will be the wrong one. At least this way I don't have to use up part of my Saturday or Sunday. Also, REALLY LIKES GIRLS is an understatement. A big understatement.
Well, I'm off. Oh, one more thing, why are there so many tall and lanky bassists? Answer that, Gary! And tough times demand tough talk, tough hearts and tough songs, you IDIOT! (Force Ten song lyrics)
The Anti-Monk,
Monk Coppola
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