Wasting your time as soon as you enter the world of Supertron Random.The Answers To Your Questions are Also Answered Here This is about anything imaginable.The email supertronblog@hotmail.com This blog is impossible to spam. The five members are Gary aka Mr.Supertron, Monk Coppola, Frankster of the Freaks, Castro Stevis and Pickle. Also the home of The Adventures of Hugo!

Friday, August 11, 2006

I Hate Telephones

Most of thes is directed at Gary. Why the fuck should it matter how I answer my phone? It's better than saying "hello", because every asshole on this planet says hello! If I want to pick up the phone and say "que pasa, senor?" I should be allowed to. Furthermore, Gary was suuposed to call me Monday to do something that day, and I didn't hear shit from him. All he does is hide behind his blog and personally attacks me like a prick! Nahh, that aint fair, Gary's cool, though I wish he'd stop bothering me about putting shit on this blog. Some poeple just can't think of fucked up shit every moment of their lives.

I think I'm supposed to say something about ants biting monkey cock or something...I support it. Whatever makes them suppress the thought of drinking their own urine is a good fucking thing.

I have a question for ya Gary, what do tough times demand?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you people claim to be friends but I don't understand. what is wrong with you people?

August 11, 2006 1:15 p.m.

Blogger Monk Coppola said...

Well, I used to hit my head on cement walls as a kid, and Gary..is just unstable. We are friends, but its a unique friendship that encompasses many of the antithetical resonances of our deep psyches. In other words, we like to tell each other to fuck off!

August 11, 2006 1:38 p.m.

Blogger Pal y Qualp said...

Is coppola a real monk? If so: what kind of monk. Here down in Europe we have Franciscans, Dominicans, Benedictans, Cartuisers, Trappists, Karmeliets, Norbertijns,

August 11, 2006 1:54 p.m.

Blogger Pal y Qualp said...

Bouddhist monk? Tussen haakjes if you're not a monk, what is the use of hating telephones? No use, cabron.

August 11, 2006 2:00 p.m.


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