Ape Chimney

Recent study: thats an entire load of crap. How many of the stupid things smoke. Most of them probably haven't even figured out that there is a such thing as fire.
They are not that stupid. People are almost always stupider. This monkey is only smoking cigarettes. They're are actually legal. People do stupid things like Crack and sniff lysol. That will really screw you up.
If people are supposed to be the smartest creature on earth, why do bears see cars coming on the road and get off of it while some people cross the road without looking?
I am wondering if anybody ever taught a monkey to chew tobbacco ( gross, I know) or snort crack ( awful thought but funny)? So who is smarter, humans or apes or what ever?
Keep er sleezy !!!!!!!!
P.S. Thanks for the feedback on this blog for anyone who responded back. Suggestions are always welcome. Comment on anything, this is Supertron Random, Over And Out.
How do apes pay their cigarettes?
August 09, 2006 4:19 p.m.
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