Reader Profile: Katie Mac

Name: Katie Mac
Hometown: The One Mr.Supertron lives in
Interests : Hockey, yearbooks, Volkswagon,

Dream Dates: Frankster, Monk, Mr. Gary Supertron, Johnny Depp.
Bus #: 47 ( It Rules)
Occupation: Library Book Girl
Maritial Status: Unknown but we can find out.
Favorite Book: Charlie and the Cheese Fudge Factory.
Katie Mac isn't what you'd expect. The crude picture doesn't even look like her. She looks much better in real. Working on the yearbook at her school keeps her looking great and busy. She knows what bastardly students don't deserve to be in the book. You could say that it makes her some sort of hero. Its up to you to decide.
Her part time job at the library is great. She sorts through books like a seasoned professional. No matter what, those books will be back on the shelf in the correct spot. She must be close to getting her bosses job.
Then there the other aspect to her job. Herding the children. This is a stressful job especially when the parents drop them off and leave. She puts on her knife proof vest and heads right to the front line. Some of the kids co-operate out of fear or bribery. Others are not so nice. They throw books at her and computer mouse balls at her boss. But never fear, Katie is there to protect you from the youngsters who well one day take her job or go to prison. She faithfully keeps them from spitting on the floor or surfing the web for porno.
Always remember, that if you at the library and the kids gang up on you, Katie well throw them in the kiddie cells. The world thanks you for your heroic deeds in the community. Supertron Random presents you with an award. Supertron Award of Bravery due to your battles with children at the library.
Editor, The pic is crude but so are the others, see ya at your Graduation,
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