The Friggin Cat Food From Hell( Or The People Food That Ain't As Good As This)

I was going through the flyer for a grocery chain called Sobeys when I saw a picture of a cat food bag similar the one on the right. It ain't Sobeys fault for this, it is Purina's. Purina is making their cat food with real Carnation Milk. Real Carnation Milk. Is there something wrong with this? Yes there is. Why does a friggin cat get real brand name ingrediants in food while someone that is a person that is actually deserving of this brand name having to eat generic brands with their meal?
Another thing that is annoying me is that friggin picture of the cat on the package. Assuming that the cat is real, it drives me for a loop that it gets real Carnation Milk with its meal and someone that is human doesn't. The only thing I would place that friggin cat ahead of is someone who killed people violently or someone who does that friggin child porn thing. Other than them, that cat is a worthless piece of crap that should be used as coyote bait. The look on it face makes me want to steal a car just to run it over. I hate this cat so much I want to barf. Looking at it is worse than getting rejecting by a girl you really want to go out with and you know she would go with you if she wasn't with some Wigger that is as dumb as the cat in the picture( It really happened and maybe I would rather look at the friggin cat instead but if you know me you just might know what I am talking about)
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