Wasting your time as soon as you enter the world of Supertron Random.The Answers To Your Questions are Also Answered Here This is about anything imaginable.The email supertronblog@hotmail.com This blog is impossible to spam. The five members are Gary aka Mr.Supertron, Monk Coppola, Frankster of the Freaks, Castro Stevis and Pickle. Also the home of The Adventures of Hugo!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Greasy Rich Guy

Sometimes life surprises you with some good news and sometimes bad news. But what if its both what do you do. She ain't SHALLOW great but that greasy guy I hear things about is a bit annoying. But when I think about it, it is kind of funny.
So I bet he owns a crappy greasy store with crappy food and crappy bags for the products with dusty shelves and sells drugs. Notice that people fit the stereotypes I talk about. Thats why stereotyping is so accurate in a large situation. It never lies. When it comes to individuals it ain't the best classification system.
So he ain't cool enough to be on a tv show. Hugo however is cool enough to be on a tv show. Hugo is the man and you will find that out in later posts. The telemarketing world in Hugo's world is gonna get taken down a peg. Thats right a whole peg.
So what if the store is actually a restaurant. Will then it probably sells donairs and not good ones. Rats are probably everywhere like in all restaurants but even in the food there. The food would also leave the after taste of glue from a washing machine that a washed his dog in.
So I am glad I am not greasy but if I had the money I'd be good. Hugo rules.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call Hugo! The password is "Hurry up, gentlemen, please! There's plenty of gentlemen waiting!"

December 01, 2006 4:40 a.m.

Blogger rewobeirrac said...

Ohhh.. Baby!!
Will you make love to me tonight Castro Stevis?
I can contort my body into any position. I'm a gymnast. I love you so much... I will make you the happiest man alive, you're my dream teen baby.
I bet you're hotter than Akon. or Joel madden... or Matthew K. Heafy
Or Joe Bonamassa...
Ohhh.. ohhhh...
Guess what..?
I'm going on vacation to a place called Hallifax Nova Scotia?
(i think I spelled it right?)
My daddy has a big meeting at a hotel. My daddy rented out a dorm for me in a University call Saint marie or Saint Mary's ? I can't quite remember which, but I know it is a catholic school. I can't wait to crash some cool parties!!!
I will be there this Tuesday coming up until next saturday.
I'm so excited!!

December 01, 2006 11:19 a.m.

Blogger Pal y Qualp said...

Just rzlax Castro Stzvis. Watch hzr back, must bz somzthing................
Havz a hzavy timz....

December 01, 2006 11:55 a.m.

Blogger Mr.Gary Supertron said...

My Question is how do you do that or know that and what the hell has Castro Stevis been saying. No offense to Steve.

December 01, 2006 12:22 p.m.

Blogger Pal y Qualp said...

Keep cool Castro Stevis, keep cool man. Keep yourself together. W're behind you, man.

December 02, 2006 1:58 p.m.

Blogger rewobeirrac said...

Sniff Sniff
I'm movin to africa for a few months. I won't be near a computer for a while
I guess this is it Castro. Remember I will love you always
I will think of you with every man I am ever with.
69!! 71!!

December 02, 2006 5:10 p.m.

Blogger rewobeirrac said...

I movin to africa.
I guess this is it castro
69 71 4ever
I will meet you some day. I love you with all my heart
oh well
you th

December 02, 2006 5:12 p.m.


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