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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Don't Believe Your Horoscope

Think your gonna find true love or get quick rich, think again. The illusion of thinking you know what is going to happen is gonna end.
A lot of people read horoscopes. Even I do, I'll admit it. But many people live in the illusion stated above. The horoscope is in every paper and is read all over the world.
That is not the problem. The problem is that people believe the horoscopes everyday and believe that they are getting knowledge from a psychic. But there ain't no psychics or even astrologers. There are just weirdos thinking they know how everybodies day is going to unfold.
Another problem with the people who read horoscopes and believe them is that they fail to realize that they are in the entertainment section of the newspaper. That is a huge indication that they are fake. Also, under all of the piece it may say something along the lines of " Media Arts Syndicate". People walk out the door everyday thinking they are gonna get rich, make friend, get girlfriends or get themselves up shits creek without a paddle. Well, the last line is true, they will end p shits creek without a paddle if they believe that crap in the paper.
I do realize that it is just entertainment but what I am trying to say is people are stupid. There is nothing wrong with them, just the people reading them. If you like horoscopes, I have a better suggestion for you. Fortune Cookies will give you your entertainment ( or an advertisment these days) and something other than paper to start a tire fire with.


Blogger Pal y Qualp said...

It's not the stars, it's me running the universe. Or am I wrong? The stars they call me every evening between eight and nine, but I don't pick the telephone. Kqk kqk.

People is -kqk- stupid?
You are not an alien, Gary? You're part of "people" also.
Should express yourself more specific, perhaps.

And secondly: telling people they're stupid is no use. They don't change a bit cursing at them: be more creative. Frank Zappa did.

Kqk kqk kqk kqk.

September 15, 2006 2:19 p.m.


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