yet another instalation in our car reviews mini series: the sub-compact

since i just finished reading gary's post on mini-vans i thought i would do one too. I HATE FUCKING RICERS, they burn damn good rice, that i could have eaten!!!! assholes! now im hungry god damnit. Although i am a big fan of sub-compact racing (mainly because they beat the shit out of each other) i still cant figure out why people would buy a peice of shit that will fall apart in a couple of months, and if you get piled by a damn freightliner you will die, and its always the same type of people that drive them; either dumb blondes whocant drive and just got out of high school or just fat people who spend all of there money on food so they cant buy a big enough car to hold thier own weight!!!!!
Some of it makes sense while some of it doesn't. Check your spelling next time a little better. It could be a little better. It doesn't all have to be right, just most of it.
September 12, 2006 9:59 a.m.
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