The Mini Van: The Idiots Choice
Is there really any great reason to buy a mini van?

Yes there is surpirisingly enough. If you have five kids. Or if you were going to get a weird looking van like this one. Other than that, there is no reason to own one.
Why am I wasting my time posting about this? I am because you need to know that they are not cooll and you will fit into a crowd I will call the Mini Van Crew. They consist of soccer moms and fat people. Ever notice how fat people almost always drive mini vans? Especially fat women. The gross ones who only eat generic licorice and chips. Replusive!
Not only fat people drive them. Idiots do too. You will almost always get cut off by a mini van. Not the cool one like in the picture, but the new model ones. No body can drive nowadays. Just the other day I saw a person driving a mini van and was facing the side of the road, not the way traffic was going. I was like, you tool, you'll cause and accident and blame it on someone else. Just like a teenager with drugs.
Mini Vans are also notourious for not having a bad name. The pick up truck has the bad name. It shouldn't work that way. A truck can haul stuff and take you places where a van won't. When a person has a truck, everyone else is like " It must be so hard on gas". So are vans but nobody says anything about it. The world is working the complete wrong way. Everyone is afraid of trucks but vans are the real evil on the road.
Just check out the way things are working. Next time you get cut off, I bet it will be a mini van. When you realize that I am right you'll come back here and agree with me.
" Mini- Vans should be called Idiot Vans. You have to be an idiot to buy one." - Unknown name of a long haul trucker
I LOVE MINIVANS!! and pretzels
September 10, 2006 1:14 p.m.
Minivans arent that bad.You can fit a kick ass sound system in there.You can get beds and shit.Um you can go to ozzfest with one.And not have to worry about getting a tent.You can relax at drive ins....
September 11, 2006 1:48 a.m.
I drive bicycle these days. Before it used to be Opel (must have be 3 or 4), Volkswagen, LADA, forklift (not so often & at work). I don't care about minivans. Had last winter a frontal botsing with a motorbike, that was kind of idiot but spectacular. Salto.
September 11, 2006 12:00 p.m.
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