Santa Rodrieguez

Look at a Coke ad around christmas time. You see a big white Santa Clause. Thats what everyone thinks that Santa is. But is it right. Hell no. Lets analize.
Ok to start off, every kid thinks Santa is the color they are.
Examples- White Kid = White Santa
Black Kid = Black Santa
Asian Kid = Asian Santa
So on and so forth I think you get the drift.
This is common among the large amount of cultures around the world. This isn't a bad thing but hey who really can say what he is. Will Coke says that Santa is white so a lot of people believe that is correct because Coke did it and they put out Sprite. Can't argue it, its a religion. Drink Coke and believe Santa is White. Will many people say he is whatever yo want him to be. Thats a great attitude but it doesn't teach facts.
So what is Santa. Santa is the guy who gives presents to kids around the world and lives in the north pole. Also I must mention that Santa doesn't exist but if he did...... The worlds children would be in shock to find out what he was and who is right. The Mexican kids and other South American kids would be right. Santa is Hispanic. Why you proclaim. Just read the first name. SANTA. That is not a North American name, it is not a Middle Eastern name. It isn't Asian and is definitely not Russian. The name Santa comes from central and South America. Look at a map or an atlas. The Santa names come from there. Santa Cruz. Don't argue it unless you can definitely prove this wrong. But I think that this is correct.
Now everyone should start calling Santa Clause Santa Rodrieguez. It makes sense, it has a cool ring and its got groove. Its a change and everyone now wants change so lets get with the system and respect Santa Rodrieguez's true Hispanic heritage. Santa just knows elves are free labor. I never heard of a law protecting elves from slavery. Elves aren't even real just like Santa Rodrieguez but the image is real. Now just leave out a plate with a taco on it on Christmas eve and Santa Rodrieguez will be at your house first next year.
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