This Guy is Messed Up

In fact I believe he is obsessed with with saurkraut. Also obessed with the Bass Pro logo it makes him a creep.
This guy is not normal. He makes Benny Normal look normal. Thats sad. He is a terrible person who thinks up terrible things about others.
Also known as a moron that is highly intelligent but does not display such behavior. He is a real idiot most of the time. Also he is known to talk about his bathroom habits at the wrong time which is always.
He has some great friends who are belived to be social workers that are being paid off to hang out with him. Many people also believe he is going to have a foreign supermodel girlfriend someday. This has never yet happened so it is not proven and may never happen but many experts on him all agree that this may happen.
He has been known to have Super Powers that are equvilent to what Houdini would have if he was Harry Potter mixed with the coolness of Ron Howard. Most of these don't get used because people would be so blown away by the awsomeness of him that they'd die. Also they gov't won't let his super powers be exposed because they can power vechiles for twenty years with one fill up. Most of his super powers are unleased on his guitar. The only guitar that can stand up to his power at this moment is the Ibanez S series. The experts also say Fender Strats , Teles and Basses can do it along with Gibson Les Pauls and SG's.
All in all this guy shold be avoided by all people for health reasons. If you come in contact with him, plug your nose because he is known to smell and fart in three to five round bursts. This is his defense mechanism. If he is afraid of you he will do this. His fumes destroy brain cell and deteriorates spines. Please visit your doctor for the shot that will help prevent his sickness form passing on to you. ( Also available in a liquid and pill).
Wow... thats so true. The supermodel thing... I can't see it. Your topics of conversation are too gross. And you suffer from FSS (Farmers Arm Syndrome)Most girls do not find this attractive... or at least not that I'm aware of. The only thing you have going for you is the guitar and T.B.D. Sorry, but that is the truth.
July 07, 2007 2:32 p.m.
Man, that is fuckin hilarious. Especially the 3 to 5 round burst thing.
July 08, 2007 12:55 p.m.
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