A Lesson in Genetics
Well since a lot of people seem to be getting pregnant that I know of nowadays I figured I would write about why kids turn out ugly. ( It won't be as good as the one that got destroyed)
Well this is this guy that we refer to as The Gueedo. He is white. He is extremely ugly. But his parents are not. His brothers are however. He has hair that is weird looking and goes flat in the back but on an angle. His smile is hideous and he is just ugly period. The situation is weird.
I decided to make a list of all of the combinations of parent appearances that result in child appearance.
1. Good Looking Male+ Good Looking= Good looking kid ( depends on how opposite the attractivness is. It doesn't neccessarly mean great looking child)
2. Okay male+ Hot Female= good to Okay kid.
3. okaymale+ okay female= okay kid but possibly good kid.
4.okay male+ gross female= gross kid
5. Gross man+ okay female= gross to moderate kid
6. gross man+ gross woman= generally gross kid ( but gross parents may have genes to make hot kids but it is unlikely)
7. Two Menonites= unthinkable.
Well there are many exceptions to the rules. That is by no means a scientifically proven set of rules but in general you can unethically use them. The Gueedo is so ugly that science does not have the knowledge to explain why for the next one hundered years.
I got a great feeling about this one. My gut better not lie. Arab chicks are hot
That is funny...
January 18, 2007 7:41 p.m.
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