Why Do Movies From Now Almost Always Suck?

Expecting a good movie I eagerly watched for something funny. A few cheap jokes later and the movie turns into the usual crap that movies from now are about. NOTHING. This movie left me totally unsatisfied. At least I didn't watch it in theatres or I would have exploded in rage from being so damn bored.
Whats the point of this post. Don't watch this unless you can't move your body from the neck down. Hell, even if you couldn't, there are more productive thing to do than watch this. You could stare at the wall, go on Supertron Random, Sit on the floor. All of those thing are more satisfing than this movie. If you really want to watch a movie, check out Hotel Rwanda.
Also you can now ask me question via the commnent box and I will answer them as soon as possible. Knock yourself out.
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
July 18, 2006 9:30 a.m.
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